We visualize your communication

The relevance of a good online presence is greater today than ever before. A website should inform potential customers and encourage them to buy - at the same time, the website is the digital flagship of the company. For this reason the support should be given for it to competent specialized personnel into the hands.

The advertising agency in Hamburg, rich in tradition, stands with its qualified employees for individual and customer-oriented concepts and projects. No matter whether advertising material in the area of print or online is to be created - our philosophy is to offer you the best possible service by responding precisely to your wishes as well as ideas and implementing them competently. At our agency in the heart of Hamburg, we develop a campaign for your advertising that is precisely tailored to your company and your target group.

Our experience.Your advantage.

since2001Experts for digital marketing solutions

via200website projects with TYPO3

activeand certifiedTYPO3 experts


Agency services

  • Holistic marketing campaigns
  • Graphic design for print media (e.g. image brochures or flyers for trade fairs etc.)
  • Responsive web design for PC, tablet and smartphone
  • TYPO3 CMS, Magento, interface implementation, apps
  • Search engine marketing (SEO and SEA)
  • Mailings, communication and copywriting
  • Advertising in social media, e.g. for Facebook, Twitter or XING
  • Advertising photography, TV or online spots
  • Brand management, image campaigns
  • Customized concepts
  • AdWords campaigns

Industry competencies

  • Machine and plant construction
  • Industry
  • Healthcare
  • Service provider
  • Trade
  • Public sector
  • Non-profit

How to implement your projects faster and stay on budget, guaranteed:

"Lean & Agile - No more waste!"

Tell us what goals you want to achieve - we tell you how to get there without detours. We are purely focused on your goals, we leave out everything superfluous - in the implementation and in organizational processes. This is what we mean by a lean way of working. No more waste - no unnecessary "garbage" that wastes your money.


Advertising agency Hamburg

The competencies of the advertising agency Hamburg include not only the conception and implementation of your advertising measures, but also - if desired - the permanent maintenance and further development of your homepage. Comprehensive, professional marketing can make a lasting contribution to your company's success. Our goal is to support you in putting your ideas into practice. By this we mean, above all, advertising measures and promotion on the Internet, for example, the rebuilding of a homepage that is tailored exactly to your requirements - a relaunch or refresh of your existing Internet presence. In order for this to succeed flawlessly, the advertising and communications agency Hamburg guarantees flawless technical programming of your website as well as a responsive corporate design that works equally well on computer, tablet or smartphone. This way, your product appearance is realized on all relevant and contemporary platforms of your target group. Together we work on your individual online presence in Hamburg.

In all facets and colors - the advertising agency Hamburg is a design specialist

The professional presentation and visualization of products and services plays a major role. Many advertising agencies can put your products in the right light - we go one step further and develop campaigns for unique, special advertising and professional Internet presences, which are always tailored specifically to the respective company. A not insignificant factor in visualization is the color design of the website, lettering and logo. Colors have a psychological effect and trigger a wide variety of emotions in the viewer, which can be in contradiction or in harmony with the respective target atmosphere. For example, does a serious blue or an active, energetic orange suit your company better? Our staff from Hamburg will find the appropriate color composition, the right logo and fonts that will make your product as well as your service attractive and emphasize its distinctiveness. We would be happy to work with you together to come up with ideas for a new design for your website. Because especially in the current time, in which social networks as well as other internet services are gaining more and more importance, a meaningful web presence can attract new prospective customers, promote products and expand your customer base. We also develop graphic highlights within an existing corporate design - for this we are also happy to cooperate closely with your possibly already existing press or marketing department or partner agency.

Every advertisement is unique with us in Hamburg

Especially important for a successful website is the coordination of company philosophy and conception. For this reason, we offer each of our clients, and therefore also you, an individual marketing campaign tailored to the respective target groups. Every advertisement is unique with us. Therefore we create print products for your trade advertising, such as a suitable image brochure, business cards or posters - of course we also design ads and flyers for you. In the online area, we will provide you with a website that will please both your target group and search engines such as Google and Bing. Our creative staff in Hamburg will give your advertising materials a striking expression that will convince you and your customers!


We develop your campaign to advertise and sell 2.0

As the Internet becomes more and more established as a marketplace, a contemporary appearance is indispensable for increasing profits. Whether you're in B2B or B2C, food processing or pharmaceuticals, the way you communicate with your customers influences your success.

In order to profitably market your message, your new product or your brands, we in Hamburg do not limit ourselves exclusively to classic advertising, but make use of the communication channels that come into question for your company. We will assist you in word and deed to create a unique branding for your company. With mailings, newsletters or social media presences, you can specifically reach interested parties to inform them about a message or a new product, to actively point out jobs or vacancies or to lead them to your online store - this is where our Hamburg agency can help you. Since potential buyers attach increased importance to the origin of their goods as well as services, a missing or strongly improvable Internet appearance is considered as genuine lack, and lets the respective enterprise appear less attractive.

The advertising agency Hamburg develops holistic concepts and stands to you in all ranges reliably to the side. Whether you need a complete Internet presence, business stationery with business cards and image brochures, or appealing advertising materials such as posters or brochures - you've come to the right place.


Target group oriented

Attractively designed websites are of great importance, especially for all target groups, as they convey that you are moving with the times. On the basis of a contemporary Internet presence, people also unconsciously evaluate the products presented there. If we jointly take these criteria into account when developing your campaigns and projects, your customer network will steadily expand.


In order to leave nothing to chance, experts should be brought on board for a new concept. Our expert digital agency from Hamburg is at your disposal for this. Our TYPO3 professionals and web designers plan and realize an optimal design of your website with you.

Channels and SEO

If you want to use several or other media channels for customer communication at the same time as your Internet presence, we can offer you graphic design, advertising photography, video production or attention-grabbing image campaigns. Also the increase of your visibility in the net is no problem for us - by purposeful measures in the search machine optimization we provide for the fact that your sides can appear in the results of the organic search of Google & CO far above.

Targeted and creative advertising from Hamburg on the Alster

The diversity of our creative minds in Hamburg makes it possible to develop a targeted concept tailored to the customer's wishes and to accompany it successfully to completion and beyond. The agency in Hamburg, which has existed for more than 13 years, offers experts who design a unique design as well as an individual campaign, program it and keep it constantly up-to-date. In addition to numerous options for an Internet presence, we also offer the development of print campaigns. This way you can focus on the development of your products or on your services, while we take care of the creation.

Our Agency in Hamburg consists of an interactively cooperating team of business economists, graphic designers, programmers and marketing specialists, who will support you in all matters. Based on your specifications we create a profile, which contains your ideas. We work out proposals and visualize your products or services in such a way that they are easily found on the World Wide Web. In an intensive consultation we deal with your goals and wishes and then summarize all information, ideas and suggestions. This enables us to develop a concept that is tailored to the market on the one hand and preserves your individuality on the other. It is particularly important to us that new challenges and measures are accepted with pleasure, so that we can find a solution for you that is both suitable and innovative. It is important to us that our advice is tailored precisely to your wishes.

Interdisciplinary team

Our team consists of experts from the following areas with a focus on:

  • Graphic and web design: individual, modern and appealing to the target group
  • SEM: search engine optimization (SEO) and Google AdWords (SEA)
  • High-quality content: Texts, photography, infographics and videos
  • Campaigns: online or print campaigns
  • Communication: development of a customized approach
  • Programming: Latest techniques, TYPO3 CMS, Magento store systems - all of course in responsive design
  • Design: Online (e.g. landing pages) and offline (e.g. new logo or corporate design)
  • Consulting & project planning: joint development of a marketing strategy for offline & online
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With us, you get everything from a single source.

Take advantage of the short distances and benefit from our many years of experience.

We look forward to your call at


Broadly set up - the advertising agency from Hamburg

We focus on transparency and customer benefit. We present you with a concept based on your wishes and ideas. Your product knowledge is complemented by our marketing expertise. This enables us to implement your ideas and requirements in the best possible and market-oriented way. If you have younger target groups, a social media presence can be useful. Facebook, Twitter or XING already occupy a high position in the professional and working world. Incorporating social media into your marketing and advertising efforts can significantly help you attract new customers. We can also advise you on this and are happy to provide our expertise.

Mobile devices are becoming more and more popular. People do not only want to order products from home, from their PC, but they also like to inform themselves and order via their smartphone. A smartphone app can be very helpful here. If an app is an option for you, we will gladly supervise the development from the idea to the programming to the publication and beyond. Our specialists in Hamburg will advise you in which cases, for example, iOS and Android apps are advantageous for you.

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Content quality and search engine optimization Hamburg

A particular concern of the advertising agency Hamburg is the content, that is, the content on your website. In search engine optimization, it is important to put high-quality content on the web and thus available to your customers. High-quality content not only informs your customers, but is also rated higher by search engines. Especially in the Google age, the content quality of the pages thus becomes the focus of attention. If your website is responsive, if your pages or even your microsites have a high content quality and if they are continuously optimized, the search engine algorithms rate them higher than non-optimized and non-updated pages. Such a website is rewarded with a top position in the results rankings. We are aware of these factors and actively incorporate them into our work and jobs. Other agencies bake small rolls - test our competences also in this marketing area and increase your chances of success for the future.

Goals: Where do I stand - where do I want to go?

Working with the advertising agency Hamburg

At the beginning of a new development or revision of the previous conception, it is advantageous to become aware of the current position of the company. What goals do you want to achieve? Which target groups do you want to address? Does my logo perhaps need rejuvenation? For example, it must be clear whether your presence is to be designed for B2B or B2C. In cooperation with our Hamburg team, you formulate precise goals that we take into account in every step of our work. In order to achieve these goals in the fastest and best possible way, we develop a suitable strategy and designs, taking into account all your wishes, which we discuss with you in detail. Above all, the methodical integration of mass media provides a new increased potential in marketing and can optimally and convincingly emphasize the special features of the product or service in question. Our Hamburg agency team will advise you on this in detail. All this enables a special position of your company and can lead to a considerable increase in sales.

Graphic design and copywriting - from a single source

Graphic design plays a major role in every advertising agency. In our agency, trained graphic designers creatively stage your product or develop your corporate design for print and digital. Professional copywriters formulate your product benefits and sales arguments or your SEO texts. So you get everything from a single source. Text and design together convey a target group-oriented image with a high recognition value. Our advertising and communication agency at the Alster in Hamburg is fully focused on a customer-oriented presentation of your company. This is how the best communication with the customer can succeed.

Simply contact us by mail info@brunsdigital.de or call us at +49-40-33313218 - we look forward to hearing from you!

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What you can expect from us

  • A professional and sympathetic team of experts
  • Individual solutions and proven standards that your target group will love
  • Highest development quality through QM workflows already in the development process
  • Efficient and transparent workflows through agile project management
  • Websites that achieve your goals - promised!
  • Consultation at eye level, taking into account your goals and budget
  • Long-term & value-based cooperation


Bruns Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG
Colonnaden 5
20354 Hamburg

fon +49-40-33313218
mail info@brunsdigital.de

Practical knowledge for the realization of your digital B2B projects:

Your own online shop

Learn which e-commerce trends are not to be neglected and which features a professional online shop should have.

Marketing Automation

Get insight into how marketing automation can help you use your sales resources more efficiently and generate new leads.

Content Marketing

Receive exclusive recommendations for the conception to the ideal implementation of a target-oriented content marketing strategy.

B2B Website Relaunch

Find out about the structured and modern realization of a B2B website relaunch.