Good design forms an interface between man and machine - you are undoubtedly familiar with the design approach from product design "form follows function" (fff). The interactive design combines content and technology via the so-called "user interface (UI)". And this is decisive for whether a website, an online shop or an app is merely usable or used. The focus is on the user experience (UX). We combine user needs with your goals based on analyses, expertise, technical know-how, and creative passion in an iterative process.


Scribbles / MockUps

Describing ideas with words can be laborious. It is much easier and more unambiguous to capture them visually. Then, with the help of scribbles, we sketch out initial ideas. Once we agreed upon them, we deepen them in mock-ups, and the first impression of design and function can be experienced - without wasting the budget on programming that may still change.

Screen designs for websites & apps

The variance in size and resolution of the displays of different end devices is enormous. However, with the Responsive Design approach, it is possible to let the appearance "react" to the end device and always offer the optimal usability - regardless of whether a notebook, a desktop PC or a smartphone a tablet is being used.

User guidance / user stories

The bait must taste good to the fish, not to the angler! Together we examine the "fish" (user) to make the "bait" (digital application) as tasty as possible for him. We fix our understanding of the user - who he is and what he wants to achieve - in related stories, which are decisive for all development phases as the user's requirements for the product.

User experience / user interface design

Lassen Sie uns Nutzungserlebnisse schaffen, die Ihre Marke in positiver Erinnerung halten und den User sanft zur gewünschten Conversion lenken. Die Erfahrung, die User mit einer digitalen Anwendung machen, steht im direkten Kontext zur Wahrnehmung des Unternehmens. Deshalb setzen wir beim User Interface Design den Fokus auf die gewünschte User Experience (UX) und bauen so die Barrieren zwischen Ihrem Unternehmen und Kunden ab.

Prototypes & wireframes

We can use wireframes to test the design concept representing the theory for its practical applicability. The visual guidance here focuses on what happens - less on how something looks. In this way, functionalities are established that complete the interaction design. Information architecture, navigation and user guidance can also be experienced in a prototype so that problems can already be identified and remedied during this conceptual phase.

DEV development

The performance and low costs of open source technologies convince us time and again. That is why we have specialised in integrating the content management systems TYPO3, WordPress® and the eCommerce platforms MAGENTO and Shopware® in our web development. Our developers are proficient in various programming languages and combine expertise in back-end and front-end development. With the integration of interfaces to third-party systems, we make your website fit for use as a central management instance and integration into a wide range of corporate processes. As required, we do this with the Agile Development approach to be as cost-efficient and flexible as possible.


Web programming and development

The individual development of your web application starts with the concept and design and ends with the programming. During web development, factors such as scalability and update capability are relevant to us and clean, up-to-date technology so that you can use the applications in the long term, efficiently and purposefully.

Extension development

Open-source technologies offer many possibilities, but not always exactly what you need. However, with the development and implementation of individual extensions, you close the gap, and the web application adapts optimally to your requirements. As a TYPO3 specialist, we have extensive experience, especially in the extension of this system, but can also usefully complement other technologies.

Interface connections to ERP / CRM / HR / PIM etc.

Digital transformation only succeeds when data can be used across systems. An interface integration enables the data exchange of your web application with third-party systems such as CRM, ERP, PIM or HR tools and ensures the cross-system and cross-technology use of data. Our colleagues have the pure technical solution in mind, data quality, and previously unused potentials.

Mobile & App Development (Android, IOS)

In the past, you wanted to get into people's heads. Today, you want to get onto their smartphones. Apps are an excellent way to offer customers an above-average service or enable them to deal with their products and data stylishly. We primarily program native mobile apps for iOS and Android, but we also have a proven track record with web apps. The real benefit for the user is always in the foreground because otherwise, even the most beautiful app makes no sense.

Content produktion

Users use design and function and perceive them subconsciously, but the content enters the consciousness - and, if possible, stays there. When we talk about content, we mean the entire range. Text, images, videos, files. Everything that a user "consumes" on the website. We support you within the framework of content marketing or detached from it in creating and modifying relevant, exciting and target group-compliant content

FullImage (copy 1)

Content creation

In-house copywriters and knowledgeable freelance experts create technically correct and appealing texts that convince users and convey the sought information for almost every subject area. Enriched with meaningful images because 1,000 words = 1 image. Moving images, in particular, have become indispensable in the digital world and are the only consumable content for specific user groups. Our photographers and camera people have the experience and technical equipment to produce the right photos and videos for you to convince your customers.

Content refinement

Search engines, especially Google, have their requirements for content. Although the information seeker is also in the foreground, they must comply with the algorithms to filter out the most relevant information for the searcher from the abundance. Refining the content in line with search engines improves the ranking and thus the visibility among potential customers. Similarly, platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn impose conditions on content presentation to be adapted. We refine your content so that it meets these requirements.

Content management

The content has been created, refined, structured, enriched - And now? Now it has to be published!

We support you with integrating various content management systems into other web applications such as apps or third-party platforms. Final quality management ensures that the content provides in a complete, appealing, target-oriented and channel-specific manner. Use our capacities to extend your team and ensure that content does not reach users only when outdated.

Further services