Erfahren Sie anhand anschaulicher Praxisbeispiele, wie Sie sich mithilfe einer effizienten Zusammenarbeit Ihres Marketings und Ihres Vertriebs einen Wettbewerbsvorteil am internationalen Markt verschaffen können.
Unser kostenloser Leitfaden liefert Ihnen exklusives und praxisorientiertes Wissen über sämtliche Phasen der digitalen Vertriebsprozesse.
Von der strategischen Konzeption über die Auswahl der richtigen Tools bis hin zur optimalen Auswertungsmetrik werden relevante Schritte umfänglich erläutert und dienen Ihnen als Orientierung für eine eigene Leadmanagement Strategie.
Today's B2B customer is digital and makes up to 90 percent of his or her purchase decisionbefore coming into contact with your sales department. More than one reason to take a close look at contemporary lead management options.
Even more: On the Internet, it is not only important to be found on Google with products, services or services and to offer content that is in line with the target group.
Ideally, you should become aware of the fact that a purchase decision is imminent much earlier in the customer journey of your desired customers.
Our guide shows how you can create this state and how you can get in touch with potential customers at an early stage of the buying process using tried and tested solutions.
![Highlight Testimonial](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/8/csm_Kundenstimme-2_cf90e45057.jpg)
Customer testimonials
"An understandable and comprehensible guide for all colleagues from marketing and sales, which enabled us to implement digital new customer acquisition in our company. Thanks to the practical approach, we were able to start "small" with the implementation and then gradually scale it up more and more."
Birgit Naumann, Head of Marketing